Türk Prysmian Kablo continues to focus on sustainability in 2022 as well

categories: Corporate 

Türk Prysmian Kablo focuses on sustainability and continues to integrate it into all business processes.

İSTANBUL, TÜRKİYE   -   16/02/2022 - 04:00 PM

Considering sustainability as a journey, rather than an objective, Ülkü Özcan, CEO of Türk Prysmian Kablo, said that 2021 has been a very efficient year with regards to succeeding in the targets and commitments in sustainability. “As Türk Prysmian Kablo, we have accomplished a total of 22 projects in sustainability in 2021. Our goal is to reduce our carbon footprint by 59 thousand tons by 2030,” told Özcan.

Turkish affiliate of Prysmian Group, a worldwide leader in the energy and telecommunication cables industry, Türk Prysmian Kablo has completed 2021 with an intensive sustainability agenda. Realizing many projects throughout the year within the frame of the sustainability vision of Prysmian Group, the company now focuses on 2022 and onwards plans.

“We have completed 22 projects in 2021”

Underlining that Türk Prysmian Kablo is acting with economic, social, and environmental responsibility and that they have been integrating sustainability in every stage of their activities, Ülkü Özcan, CEO, Türk Prysmian Kablo, told that they have made serious progress in 2021. Özcan added the following comments: “Prysmian’s sustainability road map until 2030 is ready. Within the framework of the Sustainability Plan, our goal is to solidify our business model by integrating our economic, social, and environmental responsibilities into every aspect of our activities, to make profits in a way that will serve the interests of our stakeholders, and to create value for the society. Our sustainability vision has four pillars. These are; eliminating the carbon footprint, circular resource utilization, enhancing the business model, and improving the employees and the society. We have developed certain projects for each topic and completed the 22 projects with an outstanding performance in 2021.  As Türk Prysmian Kablo we aim to reduce our carbon footprint by 59 thousand tons by 2030. Thanks to the realized projects through the investments we have made, we eliminated approximately 1000 tons of CO2 emission by the end of 2021 We have accomplished this by reducing the natural gas consumption by 56.2 thousand Sm3, electricity consumption by 1351 kWh, and diesel consumption by 89.3 thousand liters.

“Sign it for a better future”

Telling that they see sustainability as a journey, rather than an objective, Özcan underlined the big importance of the “Sign It for a Better Future” project in this journey. Özcan provided the following information: “As Türk Prysmian Kablo, we want to realize the objectives of our group, derive a profit for our stakeholders, and create value for the society. We continue our path as per these objectives. Because sustainability is not an objective, but a journey. With this vision and philosophy, we will continue to say “We Are Connecting Turkey to Sustainable Future”. In the “Sign It For a Better Future” strategy, which is in full compliance with the general strategy of Prysmian Group, we are acting with the awareness and responsibility of being the sector leader. We know that today the objective of organizations is not only to achieve financial targets. All decisions made have to take into consideration complex processes, including health, security, and environment. For this reason, we say “Sign It for a Better Future”, and commit to producing environment-friendly products by reducing emissions and waste.

In 2021, Türk Prysmian Kablo has organized in-depth webinars for March 8 International Women’s Day, March 21 World Innovation Day, May 20 eNclusion Week - MEAT Day, October 21 International HRD Square Sustainability Webinar, and November 23 Sustainability Day within the scope of “Sign It for a Better Future” project. In addition, the company realized a far-reaching survey to contribute to the awareness of sustainability. Carried out with 475 people in January 2021, the survey included suppliers, investors, and other stakeholders in addition to the company employees and customers.

Sustainability works will continue in 2022 as well

Underlining that Türk Prysmian Kablo gives utmost importance to sustainability, Özcan told that the company will continue its industry-leading activities in 2022 as well. Özcan added: “We will continue our saving measures in 2022. This year our energy projects include the goal to increase green energy in our operations. Thanks to this, in addition to reducing electric energy costs by 10%, we will also eliminate an average of 3000 tons of annual CO2 emissions. Within the scope of our circular business model strategy for a more habitable world and protection of resources, we will have projects in both product and supply chain fields. Within the scope of the Prysmian Group Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), the company plans to be net-zero in scope 1 and scope 2 emissions by 2035. As Türk Prysmian Kablo, we continue to work meticulously to achieve this objective. We will present the details regarding our works and plans to all our stakeholders through the sustainability report we will publish in the upcoming months.