Linking the world with technology for a sustainable future

categories: Corporate 

Türk Prysmian Kablo, Turkish operation of Prysmian Group, the world leader in the energy and telecommunication cables industry, aims at sustainable development with the social responsibility projects it realizes.

İstanbul, Türkiye   -   16/12/2020 - 01:00 AM

Having written its name in many projects until today, the Company aims to undertake projects and investments that will continue its sustainability performance throughout the entire value chain in 2021.

Based on the current production and consumption dynamics creating a balance against limited resources, sustainability accelerates the transformation of companies in the face of changing consumer behavior. Stating that the integration of the business world into this wind of change is not a choice but an obligation, Cinzia Farisè, the CEO of Türk Prysmian Kablo, underlined that as the company, they will focus on sustainability studies in line with the targets they set.

“Companies are responsible not only to their partners but also to society”

Stating that sustainability reshapes companies and their business models, Cinzia Farisè, CEO of Turkish Prysmian Kablo said “Systems are changing, rules are being rewritten. When we look at the old order, we see that the primary goal of companies is to make a profit. Today, the profit making mechanism goes hand in hand with social interests. While companies grow economically in accordance with their sustainability policies, they manage to position themselves at a different point with the added value they provide to the society. We accept sustainability as our main argument in every step we take under the roof of Prysmian Group, and act with the awareness that our responsibility is not only against our company partners but also our social partners. We adopt a management approach in which social and environmental issues are also included in company issues as well as economic growth targets. Our biggest goal for 2021 is to link the world with technology for a sustainable future.”

Qualified workforce was gained to the sector with the Manufacturing Academy and Online Cable Training

Cinzia Farisè emphasized that the basis of sustainability is to protect the benefit of society and not to see their own interests above the interests of society; “We, as a company, interpret the social benefit criterion, which is the backbone of sustainability, with a social responsibility awareness, and work for a better world and future with the projects we implement in this regard. The year 2020 was very productive for us in this sense. We have trained more than 400 people from 32 countries in the Manufacturing Academy, which was established with the aim of training future production managers and factory directors in our factory located in Bursa Mudanya and which is one of the 4 Centers of Excellence in our Group among the academies. Moreover, we have established a digital cable platform which can be benefited from thousands of people with the first Online Cable Training in Turkey. In addition to students and academicians, online education, which can be used free of charge by industry professionals such as engineers and technicians working in the field of electricity, contributed to the professional development of the sector, especially during the pandemic process.”

We will touch more people with volunteer-based projects

Cinzia Farisè pointed out that sustainability is one of the issues they approach sensitively in line with the global vision of the Prysmian Group said “Within the scope of social responsibility, we have a project that has been our signature for the last 3 years and has become a tradition now,‘Happiness Bank’. With this project, which is based on volunteering and we continue with the support of our employees, we provided the necessary materials for education while meeting the winter needs of 168 children in Viranşehir, Şanlıurfa at the beginning of this year. It is much more valuable to us than many other things to be the cause of a smile on a child's face. We aim to continue this project in 2021 and beyond, and to touch the lives of more children. Another project we have realized on the basis of volunteering is blood donation, which is a vital issue that we think every citizen should be aware of. In this project, which was carried out in cooperation with the Turkish Red Crescent, our 63 volunteer employees donated blood to thousands of people in need of blood. Moreover, we organized a sapling planting activity in Mudanya, which was damaged by fire within the scope of 187.5 hours of work. Within the scope of corporate social responsibility, we gave life with our cables to the 2nd Family House built and opened by the Hope Foundation for Children with Cancer (KAÇUV) in Istanbul Pendik. Likewise, based on the basis of sustainability, we cleaned the beach in front of our factories in Bursa Mudanya with the motto "Blue suits the sea the most". We collected 320 kg of garbage from the beach in 2 hours. We, as Türk Prysmian Kablo, will continue to act with the same sensitivity and to exist in all areas with our corporate social responsibility projects in 2021.”
